Finding the Right Snowboarding Instructor

Finding the Right Snowboarding Instructor

When you want to start any new hobby, finding a personal instructor is among the first things you should do. This is especially true when taking up snowboarding. A good instructor will teach you how to use the equipment safely and how to take good care of your board....
Ski Resorts in South America

Ski Resorts in South America

South America is a popular destination for snowboarders worldwide. It has the longest mountain range, which is about 4,300 miles. There is a multitude of countries spread across the continent; however, only two host ski resorts. Those countries are Argentina and...
6 Famous Female Snowboarders

6 Famous Female Snowboarders

Across many different sports, women aren’t usually as well recognized as their male counterparts. When in reality, women athletes are a force to be reckon with. The following women are elite athletes that have made an impact in the world of snowboarding. Karine...