For many, one of the hardest aspects of learning to snowboard is getting on and off a chair lift. When you ride a chair lift, you have to remove your back foot from its binding and push yourself through the lift line like you are riding a skateboard. As a result, when you exit the lift, only your front foot is still attached to your board. With a few tips and a little practice, however, navigating lifts on a snowboard can be a breeze. Here are 4 tips to help you exit a lift on a snowboard.

1. Practice on a gentle slope

Practice on a gentle slope with only your front foot attached to your board. This can help you learn to maneuver your board using only your front foot.

2. Choose the right seat

Unlike skiers that can exit the chairlift facing straight forward, snowboarders need to either face slightly right or left, depending on which way you ride. If you ride with your right foot forward, you want to try and sit in the right seat on the lift. If you ride with your left foot forward, you want to try and ride in the left seat of the chairlift.

3. Prepare for exit

You want to start preparing a minute or two before you actually exit the lift. Start by scooting forward about halfway on the seat and turn your hips slightly so that your front foot is pointing directly in front of you. That way, when you reach the exit slope, you will just need to stand straight up and you should be in a position to glide down the hill. Be aware that when you stand up, the seat of the chair lift will generally push you forward slightly down the hill. If you aren’t prepared for this, it can cause some riders to fall.

3. Exit straight forward

Most chair lifts have a small downward slope at the exit, followed by a long flat plane which sometimes curves slightly upward. This allows you to glide down and out of the way of other skiers or snowboarders disembarking the lift. Ideally, you should be able to just ride in a straight line before slowing to a gentle stop. Or, when you are moving slowly enough you can stop your forward progress with your back foot.