Snowboarding can be an absolutely exhilarating sport. Being a sport, it can also place an enormous amount of load on one’s body. So whether hitting the slopes daily or as a weekend enthusiast, it is wise to train the body to better handle these loads so that the snowboarder may prevent potential injuries, perform better and altogether enjoy the sport at an elevated performance level. Training should focus around strength, mobility, transfer of force and stability, with great attention paid to ankles, knees, hips, legs and the spinal column. The following are recommended exercises that will help prepare the body to snowboard at its best capacity yet.


Often regarded as part of the pinnacle of strength training, squats can truly elevate a snowboarder’s performance like never before. This exercise primarily targets the glutes and quadriceps and these muscles are responsible for the extension to standing while under a load, but squats will also work the core, hamstrings and calves.

Banded Ankle Dorsiflexion

The banded ankle dorsiflexion exercise focuses on ankle mobility and translates well to applying major force through the boot, as well as protecting the ankle from inflammation and injury.

Thoracic Rotation

Thoracic rotation exercises, or reach throughs as they are sometimes called, will help to build critical mobility for proper body alignment on each jump and turn. This exercise will also help fight the repetitive internal rotations faced while snowboarding.

Core Exercises

A strong and stable core is of critical importance in snowboarding, as all lateral forces and changes of direction are absorbed through the core. A strong and stable core will protect the body from numerous types of injuries and aid in point turns on the slopes.

Single Leg RDL

The single leg RDL will help to build paramount unilateral strength while snowboarding, which will help to load the large amount of force necessary on one side of the body to make turns.


Recognized far and wide as the superior strength exercise, the deadlift will help to build up the posterior chain and also reduce the potential for injury, as many snowboarding motions place a heavy load on the anterior of the body.